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The Blog

Jessica & Jim Braz
Five Tips for Scheduling Holidays As a Co-Parent
The principles discussed here apply to every holiday, vacation, and birthday throughout the year.

Jessica & Jim Braz
What is a Parenting Coordinator?
We recommend every new co-parent work with a PC for at least the first 12-24 months. There is no downside.

Jessica & Jim Braz
Dispute Resolution Steps in a Parenting Plan
Dispute resolution steps in parenting plans are almost always worthless, but there is a solution that works.
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Jessica & Jim Braz
What Is a Parenting Plan?
If you can find the wisdom and patience to compromise, you will have a much better parenting plan, customized to your unique situation.
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Evidence in a Custody Case
What is considered evidence in a custody case?
What are interrogatories, doc requests and depositions?
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Custody Litigation Timeline
How long does a custody battle take? What steps should I expect?
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Child Support Calculations, Part II
What if my income varies greatly from year to year?
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Child Support Calculations, Part I
The calculation is based more in income than expenses.
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Visitation Rights and Expectations
When will the courts grant overnight visits with an infant?
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Pregnancy Discrimination and Maternity Leave
Don’t try to solve this problem on your own.
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Jessica & Jim Braz
Custody Definitions: Sole vs. Joint and Legal vs. Physical
Make sure to understand these definitions before sitting down with your attorney.
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